order to get an adventure path going, the players need characters,
and ideally, they’ll create characters that are suited for the
particular adventure path they’ll be undertaking—characters who
come from the appropriate region(s), and have relevant skills and
abilities. In the case of the Giantslayer Adventure Path, they should come from the town of Trunau in
Belkzen or have a reason for being in Trunau, and they should be
interested in fighting giants.
Giantslayer Player’s Guide
provides players with the tools they need to create such characters.
And it does a reasonably good job. One
of the difficulties adventure path player’s guides can encounter is
providing enough information to let players create characters
appropriate to the entire
campaign—not just the opening—while not giving away too much
about later parts of the campaign. In the case of Giantslayer, this
means making it clear that the PCs will be fighting giants (it’s in
the name of the adventure path, so it shouldn’t come as much of a
surprise to the players even though it may be to the characters) and
that they will be travelling through the Mindspin Mountains.
most adventure path player’s guides, the Giantslayer
Player’s Guide opens with a
brief overview of the campaign. This includes some suggestions on how
the characters might already
know or come to know each other. It then moves on to some basic
character tips, including suggested archetypes, animal
companions, bloodlines, favoured enemies, and so on. Since it’s not
mandatory that PCs come from Trunau (although it is strongly
recommended that at least one come from Trunau), it also includes a
section on possible nearby places of origin.