hard to believe that, until now, I have never once mentioned Babylon
5 on this blog. That’s partly
because I talk mostly about contemporary things and Babylon
5 has been over for quite a
while now, but still... I should have mentioned it at some point. It
was an inspirational and ground-breaking series, and one of my
favourites of all time.
also hard to believe that it’s been twenty years since the show
first began (it’s actually been nearly 21 years since the pilot
first aired on 22 February, 1993, but the regular series didn’t
start until 26 January, 1994, nearly a year later). It’s doesn’t
feel that old. I don’t
feel that old. In an odd sort of way, Babylon 5
reaching twenty years seems a little more landmarking then Doctor
Who recently reaching fifty
years, and that’s because Doctor Who
has always been old. I know that’s not literally true, but from the
perspective of my life, it has always been around. When I was born,
Doctor Who was already
turning ten years old. By the time I was becoming a hardcore fan, it
was turning twenty (and to a ten-year-old boy, twenty is ancient).
with Babylon 5, I was
there from the beginning. I remember a time when there was no Babylon
5. It didn’t exist yet, and
quite possibly wasn’t even an idea in creator J. Michael
Straczynski’s mind yet. I watched the pilot the day it aired—wasn’t
all that impressed by it to be honest. But despite the pilot’s
flaws, there was something about it that drew my interest and I kept
up on news about when the series itself would start and began
watching it right from the beginning too. I was hooked after the
first few episodes and I followed the series through its entire
five-year run and Crusade’s
unfortunately much-shorter run. So the fact that it’s now twenty
years later creates just a little bit more “Has it really been that
long?” than fifty years of Doctor Who

5 made a huge mark on science
fiction and on television in general. It was the first show to have
an ongoing story arc in an era of television when everything was
episodic. During any particular episode of any other programme, that
story’s problem would be resolved and the characters would return
to their lives exactly as they were at the beginning of the episode.
Characters rarely changed or grew. Babylon 5
changed all that, and that is, without a doubt, one of the biggest
things that drew me to it and kept me watching. It helped, too, that
I found the characters compelling to begin with, as well as the
intricate storytelling. I was disappointed when Commander Sinclair
left (and yes, I’m one of those rare Babylon 5
fans who, to this day, prefers Sinclair to Sheridan), but I accepted
that change and development were what made the show so good. Other
shows started to learn from Babylon 5
and soon started including ongoing plots as well. Today, it’s
pretty much the norm.
rewatched the series all the way through a few times since its
original airing. The latest was about three years ago when I finally
got the full run on DVD (until then, I had been relying on degrading
VHS tapes). My wife and I watched it through together and it was her
first time seeing the show. I don’t think we’ve ever made it
through any other show (of similar length) so quickly. As one episode
would end, she would insist we watch the next immediately. It was my
only real experience with “binge watching”. If I remember
correctly, we got through all five seasons, plus the TV movies,
Crusade, and the
various direct-to-DVD specials in the space of just a few weeks. She
liked the show that much.
would love for there to be some more Babylon 5
some day—a revisit or two, perhaps even a resolution for Crusade
(please!). But even if there isn’t, I’m very happy with what
there already is. It’s a show I can easily go back to time and time
again, and still enjoy every moment.