Who has always been a show
filled with wild and crazy ideas. It’s part of its charm, part of
its lure. The sheer breadth of possibilities the show offers and its
willingness to completely reinvent itself at times are what have kept
it going for so long. It doesn’t always work. Sometimes,
wonderfully creative ideas don’t meet their full potential.
Sometimes, they turn out to not be so wonderful after all. “The
Rings of Akhaten” is one of those times that a wonderful idea just
doesn’t reach the heights it might have. Written by Neil Cross (a
newcomer to Doctor Who,
but well-known for the series, Luther),
it is stunningly gorgeous, both visually and in its concepts.
Unfortunately, it suffers from a number of problems: an ill-defined
threat, a lack of character development for anyone other than the
series regulars, and an unsatisfying conclusion. It’s a shame
because there is so much good here and on each viewing, I couldn’t
help but see the potential for a truly amazing episode. Instead, it
ends up in that list of Doctor Who
episodes that reached for the stars and missed.
I go on, I should make certain one thing is absolutely cleared up.
I’ve seen a lot of people online under the mistaken belief that the
large, deep-red object on the screen is a star. I’ve even seen
little cartoons and comic strips making fun of how the Doctor and
Clara destroyed a star and thus wiped out the entire system and its
seven worlds. But the Doctor did not destroy a star and he did not
wipe out the entire solar system as a result.
is not a star. It’s a planet. A gas planet, in fact. It’s not the
source of heat and light for the solar system. Note that the light
reflected off the temple when it’s first revealed is coming from
the opposite direction to the planet. We never see the actual star of
this system. It’s somewhere off-screen. It is not Akhaten. To be
fair, Doctor Who and
science fiction in
general don’t often show gas planets even though in reality they
seem to be about as common as rocky planets. I actually can’t
recall off the top of my head another time that Doctor Who
has featured a gas planet prominently. As such, people may not be all
that familiar with gas planets. Nonetheless, Akhaten is clearly
identified as a planet a couple of times in the episode. The
asteroids that the marketplace and temple are built on make up the
rings around the planet (thus the name of the episode). Admittedly,
the loss of a planet in a system would probably play havoc with the
gravitational forces in that system, which could cause all sorts of
problems, but those are the sort of things you can easily sweep under
the rug in fantasy like Doctor Who.
it’s a wonderfully realized planet, alien in appearance (looking
sufficiently different from our solar system’s gas planets—Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), yet sufficiently realistic to convince
that a gas planet could really look like that. The rings around it
create a stunning vista and it’s understandable why the Doctor
chooses to bring Clara here after she asks to see “something
planet and the society of the seven worlds are indeed the highlight
of “The Rings of Akhaten”, and I don’t just mean the visual awe
of so many different alien species. Cross has done a lot of
world-building in this episode, and as a result, viewers are treated
to a society that is truly different—truly alien—to what we’re
used to in the real world. I love the use of memory and stories as a
form of currency. Yes, it’s science fictiony gobbledygook, but it’s
the kind of thing that Doctor Who thrives on, and it lays the
foundation perfectly for the planet feeding on memories. This whole
idea of memory is also the basis of this society’s religion, and in
just a few broad strokes (memory, stories, and music), the episode
manages to convey and bring alive the religion extremely effectively.
music, too, comes across incredibly convincingly (well, as long as
you ignore the fact that there’s sometimes an invisible orchestra
backing the singers up—perhaps it’s recorded and played out at
the right moments). The singers sing like real people, flaws and all.
There is no auto-tuning here. Merry sings like a young, untrained
girl and the chorister in the temple sounds like a real chorister and
not a Broadway singer or pop star. The songs themselves are
repetitive, but that fits with the idea that they are religious songs
designed to tell stories. At least one of those songs (the one the
choristers in the temple sing) is meant to go on forever. Of course,
the melody and words get repetitive!
the aspects of the world-building combine beautifully to create a
great opening (I’m not counting the pre-title sequence here—I’ll
get to that in a bit) and set-up to the story. Up until the moment
Merry is caught and brought into the temple, “The Rings of Akhaten”
maintains the potential to be one of the best Doctor Who
stories in a long time. Unfortunately, as soon as the action moves to
the temple, the story loses most of the strengths that were making it
so good.
are a large number of things that are not developed and simply left
unresolved. For example, there’s never really any satisfactory
explanation for the mummy, other than it’s the planet’s “alarm
clock”. Then there’s the Vigil. They show up for a short while
and then leave, supposedly no longer needed. We never learn who or
what they are (other than their job to feed the Queen of Years to
Grandfather) and their presence in the episode seems superfluous. If
the planet was waking up anyway and doesn’t need them while it’s
awake, what is their point before that? They seem to be there to
provide a few “action sequences” for the episode rather than for
any in-story reason. And what’s with Merry’s weird psychic
ability to hold Clara in place. She uses it in one scene without ever
displaying or mentioning the ability beforehand or after. No one else
of her species displays this ability either. Why doesn’t she use it
against the Vigil?
is that the actual threat of the planet is never clarified. Just what
will happen if the planet wakes up? Merry says it will devour the
system and then move on to worlds farther away, but she’s speaking
from the beliefs of her religion, which the episode has already
demonstrated as false. The planet feeds on memories, but when the
Doctor attempts to overfeed it with his thousand-plus years of
memories, it has no discernible effect on the Doctor other than to
leave him a little winded. The Doctor gets back up apparently no
worse for wear and still in possession of all the memories the planet
fed on. If the planet feeds on people’s memories and leaves the
people alive and healthy afterwards, what exactly is the threat?
this is a recurring problem in Doctor Who over the last couple
of years. The current production team seems very reluctant—one
might almost say afraid—to have anyone die on the show. When people
do die, it’s usually off-screen and usually nameless characters.
When named characters die, they tend to come back to life (Rory,
Clara, all the people erased from existence by the cracks in Series
5, and so on). In this episode, not only does no one die, no one ever
seems under any real threat of death or even injury. Even the Vigil
only knock people over with sonic waves that do no actual damage.
This episode desperately needed to show us what the planet can do.
As cold and heartless as it may sound, somebody in this episode
needed to die in order to establish the threat. Perhaps the
other chorister. Instead of conveniently teleporting away, perhaps
the monster could suck out his memories and leave him a dried-up
husk. Or perhaps some of the people in the market. The planet could
whip a gaseous tentacle and absorb them. Either or both of these
would let the audience see what would happen to the rest of the
system if the planet isn’t stopped. Of course, this would require
then providing a way for the Doctor to survive his face-off with the
planet, but well, that’s all part of putting together a
well-crafted story.
there’s the resolution, the defeat of the planet, which comes down
to yet another “love conquers all” solution. To be fair, the
episode does a very good job of setting up the fact that this story’s
resolution is going to have something to do with emotion and
memories. And at least in this case, the Doctor and Clara are
actively trying to defeat the villain. Compare that to the resolution
of “The Snowmen” where people cry
over Clara’s death and, as a side effect, just happen to defeat the
Great Intelligence in the process. The resolution of “Rings”
comes out well ahead of that. And to be honest, if the Doctor
successfully defeated the planet with his memories, I would have been
reasonably satisfied. The episode would still have its other issues,
but I would have considered this to have been an incredibly effective
use of an emotion-wins-the-day ending. The episode successfully
builds to the moment when the Doctor confronts the planet, and Matt
Smith positively acts his socks off, giving one of the best
performances I’ve seen from him. But then the planet doesn’t die
and we get to do it all over again with Clara.
don’t have a problem with the companion saving the day once in a
while. I think it’s a good thing and it should happen. But
here, it doesn’t really add to the story. It doesn’t take things
to a new level. It just shows another confrontation that happens to
work because of the leaf is the “most important thing in human
history”—all because it brought Clara’s parents together and
resulted in the creation of Clara herself. An episode that is already
brimming with sentimentality now tips the scales and pours out even
more, and it’s just too much. This is also yet another placement of
family, motherhood in particular, on a pedestal as being the ideal
life. A thousand years of memories can’t defeat the planet, but the
unlived years of a mother can. We’ve seen this trope repeatedly in
Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who, and even though he’s not the
writer of this particular episode, his influence is clear. Instead of
intensifying the drama, the repetition, both of the trope and the
episodes doubled climax, instead nullifies that drama. As a viewer, I
am left with a feeling of immense dissatisfaction.
are a lot of other aspects to this episode, some that I like and some
that I don’t. I like that we see some development of Clara as a
character. Her reactions to travelling and her initial interaction
with Merry gives a good indication of her as a person. The pre-title
sequence gives a decent glimpse into her background and history.
Admittedly, it’s a cheesy sequence and we don’t learn a whole lot
about her parents. We don’t even learn her father’s name and we
only learn her mother’s through writing in a book and on a
tombstone. I also wasn’t very convinced by the actors playing
Clara’s parents, but at least it’s some development. I would like
to see more actual interaction between Clara and her friends and
family beyond the small amount we got in “The Bells of Saint John”
rather than just flashbacks of her childhood. That said, in just two
episodes, Clara has had just about as much character development as
Amy got in two and a half seasons, so the show has taken a definite
step up in this regard.
Doctor spying on Clara throughout her childhood is somewhat
predictable (Moffat really likes the idea of the Doctor meeting his
companions as children) and makes a degree of sense given that he’s
trying to investigate the mystery around her existence. Still, it was
good to see Clara tell him off when she realizes he has been doing
this. The eleventh Doctor never gets taken to task for his
interference in his companions’ lives, so it’s nice to see just a
little of it here.
also some nice character moments for the Doctor. As well as the
afore-mentioned confrontation with the planet, there’s also the
fact that, despite thousands of years of memories, the Doctor really
has nothing to show for it all, no item other than the sonic
screwdriver (and presumably the TARDIS, if one can think of the
TARDIS as an item) that has significant meaning to him, and thus no
way to pay for items in the marketplace. In the end, the Doctor
always loses the people and things he holds closest to him.
while there’s some decent character development for Clara and the
Doctor, there is nothing for any of the guest characters. The episode
does such a great job developing the setting that it’s rather
surprising it doesn’t make the same effort on the characters.
Emilia Jones does a great job with what little she’s given in the
role of Merry, but we never really learn anything about the character
other than she’s a bit scared of performing her song, which is
something you can expect from just about any young child. There’s
nothing that sets her apart from all the other child characters to
have appeared on the programme in recent years.
are only two other named characters in the entire episode: the other
chorister (whose name goes by so quickly, I can’t quite catch it,
I’m afraid) and Doreen, the moped rental alien. The chorister
teleports away before the Doctor and others can have any real
interaction with him, and Doreen is primarily there as comic
relief—comic relief that is, unfortunately, rather jarring and
annoying. I don’t have a problem with an alien species that barks
for communication, but in order to successfully convey such a
communication method, it needs to be presented as more than just
comedy. Here, it is only comedy, as Doreen has no personality
barking also opens up the question of why the TARDIS doesn’t
translate that for Clara. There doesn’t seem to be a reason for it,
but to be fair, the show isn’t always consistent about the TARDIS’s
translation abilities (particularly whether it translates writing or
is also the bizarre moment when Clara decides the TARDIS doesn’t
like her. The obvious explanation for Clara not being able to get
into the TARDIS is simply that she doesn’t have the key, and it’s
well established on the show that you need to have a key to get into
the TARDIS (except those couple of occasions when the Doctor snaps
his fingers to open the doors). It seems a bit odd that Clara doesn’t
even consider that she might need a key (after all, there’s a
fairly obvious key hole). However, despite this obvious explanation,
the framing of the scene, particularly the ominous background music
and change of lighting during the close-up of the TARDIS, implies
that this moment has nothing to do with not having the key and that
the TARDIS really doesn’t like her and doesn’t want her to get
in. No doubt it has something to do with Clara being “impossible”,
splintered across time in some way—similar to how the TARDIS
doesn’t like Jack Harkness either. Yet trying to make an ominous
scene out of something that is completely normal is a really terrible
way of demonstrating this dislike. It’s as if the production team
simply forgot that people normally need a key to get into the TARDIS.
“The Rings of Akhaten” is a frustrating episode because I so
desperately want to like it, even love it. There’s so much in this
story that is just brilliant and mesmerizing, but despite this, its
faults let it down. To be fair, I enjoyed the story somewhat more on
second viewing, but I still couldn’t ignore those faults and felt
immensely let down by the ending. If only a couple of those faults
were removed—a clearer threat from the planet or more personality
for the characters—I think I could have considered it a very good
episode. Unfortunately, I must consider it a masterpiece that could
have been.
Well-balanced review. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHey, as usual the review was excelent, and as usual I have a point or two of my own to add to it:
ReplyDelete1) In this episode we saw a very strong example of the "sonic screwdriver is a magic wand" syndrome. The sonic screwdriver is kind of an all purpose device anyway, but in this episode it felt even more absurd than usual. Why, when the doctor is using it to lift the stone door, does he feel weight? why can he use it to shield himself against what appears to be mental attacks fro the "vigil" creatures?
2) Just like you, I loved the first half of the episode and was disappointed by the end. Actualy, I couldn't quite figure out what was even going on during the last 10 minutes or so, as every event seemed either random or unconnected to the rest of the episode. What I do know is that after the great scene where the Doctor challenges the planet to steal his memories, and the planet does, and nothing happens to the Doctor... I felt cheated. Once again during Moffat's period in the show, an emotional peak has been reached and forgotten about with no payoff half a minute later. Felt a little like the 17th time that Amy and Rory died - why should I care what happens to a character if it won't affect the character in any way? this recurring trope is very jarring to me.
Thanks for the kind words, as always!
Delete1) I actually interpreted the Vigil's attacks as sonic attacks themselves. This is due entirely to the sound and visual effects accompanying them, which seemed kind of sonic-like (though I admit it's not very clear at all). Assuming they were using sonic attacks, it actually makes a kind of weird sense that the sonic screwdriver actually works as a defence. Still, the episode doesn't make it clear at all what's happening there, so it ultimately comes down to overuse of the sonic screwdriver again.
2) One hundred percent agree. My big problem is that the emotional peak is reached and then the episode expects you to do it all over again, but there's nowhere else to go. The peak has already been reached. Alas.
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