two episodes of “Fall of the
Nekross” by Gareth Roberts, are perhaps the two most event-packed
episodes of Wizards Vs Aliens
so far. A lot happens
in these two episodes, and they move along at quite a break-neck pace
right from the opening moments of Part One. Overall, they form an
excellent story: exciting with good character moments, a few
revelations, and some seriously dark moments. Unfortunately, “Fall
of the Nekross” does have some significant flaws to it, but despite these flaws, it
manages to remain highly entertaining, and that, in the end, is the
most important thing.
I say a lot happens in these two episodes, I am actually leaving the
statement incomplete in order to avoid spoilers in the opening
paragraph. For the same reason, I’m forced to keep the
non-spoilered opening to this review exceptionally short, as it’s
impossible to discuss the story without mentioning the ending—not
the little hook for next story, but the resolution of this one. I
refer, of course, to the dreaded reset button. Yes, a lot does
happen in “Fall of the Nekross”, but a lot also un-happens.
In the space of these two episodes, the story moves from Tom and his
friends having made virtually no progress in the “war” against
the Nekross (apart from the burgeoning trust between Tom and Lexi) to
the complete and utter defeat of the Nekross, and then right back to
zero progress again. All, apparently, in the space of a little over
an hour (and I don’t mean the real-world length of the two episodes
run back-to-back, but the length of time that passes in the story
itself). As exciting as the story gets (and it is
exciting and action-packed), in the end, it’s somewhat pointless.
By the end, everything is essentially back to the status quo, with
the only changes being that maybe Ursula has learned a lesson (and
whether it’s the right lesson will no doubt be a matter of some
debate). What could have been a massive game-changing story ends up
changing virtually nothing.
course, it’s probably a bit early in the show’s run to bring in
changes as big as the ones “Fall of the Nekross” almost does. In
that case, though, I have to wonder why it even bothers to go as far
as it does. Ursula could still learn the same lesson in a
smaller-scale story, more like last week’s “Friend or Foe”, one
that involves Benny nearly killing and then having to save just a
couple of the Nekross (perhaps just Varg and maybe Jathro, since
“Friend or Foe” involves Lexi). I suppose that might make it a
bit too similar to “Friend or Foe”, but it would remove the need
for the huge reset at the end (reset buttons are a bit of a pet peeve
of mine). Ursula could still show her ruthless side, Benny could
still show his morality, and we’d have a story about character
progression instead of having to undo too much plot progression. Of
course, it would probably mean fewer explosions (though I do have to
wonder why the virus shutting systems down on the ship causes them to
explode), and perhaps some of the excitement value would be lost.
problem I have with the story and its resolution is the time-frame
under which it happens. From the moment Varg first announces that
they have an hour of life-support left, Tom and Benny manage to
reverse everything whilst travelling around quite a bit. I’m not
entirely certain of the geography of the area they live in, but
presumably Tom and Benny live relatively close to each other, so I
can easily believe that they can get from Tom’s house to Benny’s
place in just a couple of minutes. When Varg announces there are just
twenty minutes left, Tom and Benny are still in Benny’s shed. From
here, they travel out to Burnt Hill where Tom successfully
communicates with the stones and sends Benny to the Nekross ship.
Clearly, Burnt Hill isn’t particularly far away as they’ve
previously gone there on a school trip and still gotten back for more
classes. However, Tom and Benny clearly live in the city, and there’s
no sign of habitation surrounding Burnt Hill. Can Tom and Benny
really walk (or perhaps run) there in under twenty minutes?
Intriguingly, it seems to take Ursula and Michael just as long to
reach there by car.
Perhaps Benny’s house is farther away from Tom’s than I thought
(after all, they had up to forty minutes to get there) and Burnt Hill
is just around the corner from Benny’s? Even so, the one-hour (and
then twenty-minute) time-frame seems to be there just for dramatic
effect rather than any consideration actually going into how much
time it takes people to go from one place to the next. Then again,
this is a long-standing problem in television drama, one that seems
particularly rampant in science fiction (I’m reminded of the
classic Doctor Who story,
“Genesis of the Daleks”, in which the cities of the warring Kaled
and Thal civilizations are apparently a short stroll from each
other), so maybe I just shouldn’t worry about it.
any rate, despite my concerns about the speed of resolution and the
reset at the end, there is a lot that is very good in “Fall of the
Nekross”. Similarly to the the previous two stories (“Rebel
Magic” and “Friend or Foe”), it continues to delve into
slightly darker material. For the first time since “Dawn of the
Nekross”, we see the Nekross actually drain a captured wizard of
magic. What’s more, we learn that the Nekross haven’t been
expending all their energy on Tom—it would seem that only Varg and
Lexi have been doing that while other Nekross on the Zarantulas
have been searching other areas of the planet for wizards. This
expands the scope of the Nekross, showing that they’re not fixated
entirely on England (which, let’s face it, is a pretty small island
on a much larger world) and that all those other Nekross on the ship
do something other than just stand around. It also re-establishes the
threat of the Nekross. Tom and Benny may constantly outwit them, but
their “master plan” continues to move forward mostly unabated.
the thing that most firmly re-establishes the threat of the Nekross
is not the draining of the Japanese wizard, but what we learn of the
fate of Ursula’s friend, Cammy. This is without a doubt the darkest
the show has gone yet, and perhaps pushes the boundaries for what can
be done on a children’s show. Until now, we’ve not learnt what
happens to wizards after they’ve been drained. The Nekross let them
go, but then...? Even now, we don’t learn the exact reasons for
Cammy’s death. Ursula merely says, “She only lasted a few more
days.” Did her body simply give out on her? Or is it something more
ominous. Such a thing would never be stated directly on a children’s
programme, but I can’t help but feel the implication here is that
Cammy, unable to deal with the loss of magic, committed suicide.
Whatever the actual cause of Cammy’s death, it makes Lexi’s
question, “Is it really such a kindness to let them live on?” far
more ominous. Lexi is, of course, referring to what the magic
extractor does to the wizards’ physical appearance, but when taken
with the fact that the wizards either die shortly after from natural
causes or must live on in abject misery, it heighten the evil of the
Nekross even more. This is what they consider a kindness. It also
adds terrible implications to what might have happened to the drained
12-year-old boy from “Dawn of the Nekross”. We can only hope his
father’s magic ring of healing helped in some way.
Lexi doesn’t do a whole lot, this story does continue her
development as a character—development nicely begun in “Friend of
Foe”—making her, by far, the most well-developed character on the
show. She is still evil. There’s no doubt about that. She is still
willing to casually throw Benny to his death. However, she also cares
about Tom. She is capable of fear and anger, can feel sadness and
betrayal. And despite the care she feels for Tom, she’s still
capable of manipulating his own feelings for her own gain. She has
become a wonderfully complex character, and I remain even more eager
to see how she develops in later episodes.
of the Nekross” also introduces us to the first named Nekross
character other than Varg and Lexi (even the King has never actually
been named): Technician Jathro 15. In “Friend or Foe” Varg refers
to one of the guards by only a number. Here, we learn that the lower
classes do indeed have names; the upper classes just don’t “honour”
them in that manner. More interestingly, we also learn that there are
different racial groups amongst the Nekross. (I wonder if this is
also meant to imply that class divisions in Nekross society occur
along racial lines.) Jathro has red skin and his tentacles don’t
appear to have an eye and a mouth like Lexi’s and Varg’s, instead
being closed right over. Although Jathro doesn’t do a whole lot in
the story (other than announce his improvements to the magic
extractor), his presence does serve an important function: that of
showing more about Nekross society. In “Friend or Foe”, Lexi
tells us a little about it, but here, we actually see
it—an important development.
much as I love the development of Lexi’s character, Ursula is
definitely the highlight of this story, simply because she gets to do
a lot more. In “Dawn of the Nekross”, I felt she was the only
character who managed to rise beyond just a two-dimensional
stereotype like all the other characters. There were just a few hints
at greater depth, but they were there. Unfortunately, she has become
one of the last characters to get further development since then.
However, in “Fall of the Nekross”, we see Ursula like we’ve
never seen her before, more than just the doddering old wizard with
flashes of insight. Annette Badland gives a brilliant, at times very
moving, performance. Here, Ursula is more than just the comic relief.
Here, we see everything about her: her sadness at the death of her
daughter and Cammy, her frustration at her imperfect control of
magic, her love for Tom, her joy, and most importantly, her rage.
Here, we see just how ruthless Ursula can be when pushed to the edge:
the only one willing to let the Nekross die (indeed, I love that Varg
ends up respecting her because of this fact).
course, the morality of her decision is something that can be hotly
debated. The story makes her out to be wrong, and she learns a lesson
in the end. However, there are many who would argue that by saving
the Nekross, Benny has committed a far greater crime by condemning
more wizards to the same fate as Cammy, the Japanese girl, and the
boy from “Dawn of the Nekross”. The story touches on this only
slightly and puts most of the focus on the importance of not killing
and helping others in need. It’s important to remember, of course,
that this is
children’s show, and it can only go so far with delving into the
complex morality of whether you should save the life of someone who
will just kill you in return. More than that though, there is another
moral lesson at play here, a simpler real-life one—that of mercy
and forgiveness. Most children, in real life, aren’t going to be
faced with evil aliens trying to kill them. However, they will
be faced with situations that make them angry, situations that make
them want to strike out in rage. The story teaches the simple lesson
of remaining calm and level-headed in these situations.
said, I find I’m liking Benny less and less every episode. Not
because he does the right thing and decides to save the Nekross, but
because there’s no real growth to him as a character at all. He’s
already morally irreproachable, and he never makes mistakes except
with experiments that are way beyond the ability of other people his
age (and even the vast majority of adults). He becomes more and more
a caricature all the time with his ability to hack into worldwide
computer systems in a matter of moments and to decipher alien
technology. But these things wouldn’t be such a problem if there
was something more to him as a character, something the audience
could sympathize with. Sure, we see him shunned by other kids at
school and Tom is the first real friend he’s ever had, but it’s
difficult to feel sympathy for the shunning if there’s nothing
about the character we can relate to. As a nerd myself who was often
isolated and shunned in school, I know what it can be like, and I
still can’t find sympathy for Benny. His abilities go way beyond
what even most nerds are capable of. He needs something humanizing
and that’s just not there. As a point of comparison, look to Luke
in the Sarah Jane Adventures
(made by the same people as Wizards Vs Aliens,
so a doubly apt comparison as I know they’re capable of better).
He’s another boy genius, with mathematical and scientific knowledge
way beyond even that of the nerdiest nerd. But we also get to see
Luke struggle with every-day things. He has goals and aspirations
that Benny seems to totally lack. Really, if you take away his
nerdiness, who is Benny? What’s left? Intriguingly, in my review of“Dawn of the Nekross”, I said that I hope to see Benny be proven
right about his belief that magic can be explained scientifically. In
“Fall of the Nekross”, that actually starts to happen when it
turns out that the stones can remember a technological teleport beam
just as easily as magical energy, showing that they are, in essence,
the same thing. However, I don’t really care anymore, as I find
myself wanting Benny to be wrong for a change.
and when I say that Benny is morally irreproachable, that’s not
entirely true. However, the show never acknowledges his one slip in
morality and indeed, even seems to promote it: his complete disregard
for school property. In this story, he blows up an entire room full
of computers and doesn’t seem to care about the costs needed to
repair or replace those computers. It worries me about what this is
teaching the children watching the show when he never faces any
consequences for these actions. (“Grazlax Attacks” gave a really
feeble explanation for why he hasn’t been kicked out or faced
greater disciplinary action for blowing up so much stuff at
school—namely, because he’s a, that’s
it...yeah, I don’t get it either.) The show almost seems to be
saying, “Hey kids! It’s okay to blow up your school just so long
as you’re doing it in the name of science!” Honestly, I could
forgive the computers in this story (since it does happen while he is
trying to save the world) if it weren’t for the fact that this
happens all the time.
my misgivings, I do like “Fall of the Nekross” overall. There’s
no denying that it’s an exciting story and it’s kept me engaged
each time I’ve watched it (I always watch programmes at least twice
before reviewing them—once just for general enjoyment and once with
a more critical eye). On top of lots of action, it has some great
character development for Lexi and Ursula, and it presents a somewhat
simplistic, but otherwise important, lesson in morality. I just feel
that the story could have been even better. It’s not my favourite
Wizards Vs Aliens
story, but it’s far from the weakest.
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