become a staple now. Every 25th of December, Doctor Who
returns to television screens for a between-series—or, in this
case, since the series is split over the fall and spring, a
mid-series—special, all of them ostensibly a Christmas special,
although some with more obvious Christmas trappings than others. As
the Christmas specials need to appeal to a wider audience base than
the standard series episodes, they tend to be fairly disconnected (no
arc plots, for example) and more light-hearted. They tend to aim more
for pure fun than for thinking. There have been a few exceptions, of
course, that are more connected to the main series and more
significant. “The Christmas Invasion” had to introduce a new
Doctor, for example, and four years later, “The End of Time” had
to write that Doctor out. This year’s special, “The Snowmen” by
Steven Moffat, is another one of these significant specials, having
to appeal to its wider audience, introduce a new companion, and fit
in with the continuity of the series it comes in the middle of. Given
my general disappointment with many recent episodes, I went into this
special with a certain amount of trepidation, but also a great deal
of hope. This was an opportunity for great changes, but also an
opportunity for things to go dreadfully wrong. At the very least,
however, I was confident that it could not possibly be any worse than
last year’s “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe”.
thank goodness I was right about that. It’s considerably better
than last year’s special (although my wife feels that it’s even
worse, so go figure). That’s not to say that it’s a perfect
episode. Indeed, it’s quite far from that. There are a number of
problem areas from two-dimensional characters to a groan-worthy
resolution. However, it is possible to watch the episode and feel
entertained, laugh a few times, and even experience a moment or two
of tense excitement. I would still consider it amongst the weakest
Christmas specials, but it’s not all bad.